Why Condorcet Jury Theorem is faulty in collective decision making?

This is a summary of the article by David Austin-smith and Jeffrey S.Banks, Information Aggregation, Rationality, and the Condorcet Jury Theorem (see reference at the bottom). We were encouraged to read it before Monday’s course. Of course I had a painful time reading it and the summary may not accurately convey the article’s intention. What is Condorcet Jury theorem? The Condorcet Jury theorem states that under certain conditions, the probability

Norving’s Spelling corrector 用Python写一个简单的拼写检查器

Note: if you are an experienced programmer, it will not help. This post is suitable for those who have little programming background and need detailed explanations, like me. 最近在上Python的课,老师介绍了一个经典的用贝叶斯实现简单的单词拼写检查的例子。为了弄懂到底在讲什么,像我这种设计背景没编程基础的只能一句一句抠咯。本文适合和我一样没什么基础的,专业程序员们请绕道。