Jiajing is Procrastinating

Does type of modified output correspond to learner noticing of feedback?

For the poster presentation of the course Language and Cognition, I read this paper Does type of modified output correspond to learner noticing of feedback? A closer look in face-to-face and computer-mediated task-based interaction written by Laura Gurzynski-Weiss and Melissa Baralt on Applied Psycholinguistics. Abstract This study examines if the types learners modify output differentially demonstrates that they notice the feedback and whether or not this relationship holds both in face-to-face(FTF)

Public Interfaces in China — A Cross-Cultural Study

Abstract As humans we live and interact across a highly complicated physical world. The relationship among citizens and machines and the external environment are transforming by rapidly growing technologies, especially in a developing country. This article discusses public interfaces in China and offers three cases study in China and western countries. The analysis shows public interfaces for civic engagement in China is still in its early stage, which could generate

Ars Electronica 2016 – Campus Exhibition

This year’s Ars Electronica Festival — Radical Atoms — is from Sep 8 to Sep 12 in Linz, Austria. I felt  very honored to show my work on Campus Exhibition —  Animate Worlds by Tsinghua University. These are three works on exhibition I participated in: InstaBooth, Metal Life and There’s always somebody who’s nice enough to shoot the souvenir photo … InstaBooth InstaBooth visualizes a link-up between two cities. Beijing and Linz, two

Assistive Technology for children with disability

Recently I read some papers about interaction design and technology for children with disabilities in physical, intellectual and mental aspects. Assistive technology offers powerful possibilities to improve the learning efficiency of the disable. They include telecommunication devices, high-resolution monitors, speech digitizers and synthesizers, and electronic communication aids [5]. Requirements for diverse disabilities and special education are increasing, which means research and developments in this field have promising future. This summary covers

The Future of Cultural Heritage: Digital, Immersion and Interaction

Marshall McLuhan claimed that “Media is the extensions of man”, which forms and structures how we perceive and understand the world. Indeed, as the techno-determinism espoused that the key challenge of communication and media in the 21st century is the disappearance of media [3]. And Mark Deuze emphasized that we live in, rather than with media. We have got accustomed to the technology around us which shapes our life and